Monday, October 17, 2011

Immigration Medical Examinations

IMM 1017

By Dr. Shafiq Qaadri, MD

Welcome to Canada.

I am honoured to be one of the Canadian doctors performing IMMIGRATION MEDICAL EXAMs or VISA EXTENSION EXAMs in Canada, for

Permanent Resident Applicants

Temporary Resident Applicants

Convention Refugees

Those applying to be Convention Refugees

Visitors extending their Visa to stay in Canada

Tourists extending their Visa to stay in Canada

Students extending their Visa to stay in Canada

Temporary Foreign Workers extending their Visa to stay in Canada

Sponsored Applicants


Other categories (Family Class, Work Permit holders, Skilled Worker class, Business Visa class)

The procedure is efficient, and in most cases takes ONE DAY.


Generally, you are able to do the tests and to see the doctor on the SAME DAY.

Please contact my office for the particulars and details.

I am on the Government of Canada Official list as follows, with languages spoken:


Shafiq M. Qaadri

15 Roncesvalles Ave, Suite 103, Toronto, Ontario, M6R 2K2


English / French / Hindi / Punjabi / Urdu

If you have received a follow up letter from CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION CANADA, such as a request to do more tests, perhaps to follow up on Tuberculosis status, you are welcome to come to my office.

To do an IMMIGRATION MEDICAL EXAM or VISA EXTENSION EXAM, please feel free to contact my office for the details.


Designated Medical Practitioners

All immigrants and some visitors need to undergo a medical examination before receiving a visa. Citizenship and Immigration Canada has designated certain doctors in each region, who are authorized to perform the immigration medical exams.

Medical exams

To protect the health and safety of Canadians, as well as reduce and prevent excessive demand on Canada’s health and social services system permanent or temporary resident applicants may be required to undergo a medical exam. If you are applying to immigrate to Canada, please see the link for permanent residents below. If you are planning a temporary stay in Canada, either as a tourist, student, or temporary foreign worker, please see the link for visitors. For a list of doctors in your country, territory or region that have been designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and are authorized to perform medical exams, click on the Designated medical practitioners link.

Medical exam requirements for permanent residents

You must pass a medical examination before coming to Canada. Your dependants must also pass a medical examination even if they are not coming with you.
Applications for permanent residence will not be accepted if that person’s health:

is a danger to public health or safety; or
would cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada.

Medical Examination Instructions

Instructions on how to take the medical examination will normally be sent to you after you submit your application to the visa office.


You can only use your examination results in your application for 12 months from when you had the examination. If you are not admitted to Canada as a permanent resident within this time, you will be required to undergo another examination.

Authorized Doctors

Your own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.

Medical Report Procedures

Medical reports and x-rays for the medical examination become the property of the Canadian Immigration Medical Authorities and cannot be returned to you.

The doctor will not tell you the results of the medical examination. The doctor will let you know if you have a health-related problem.

The designated medical practioner does not make the final decision. Citizenship and Immigration Canada will make the final decision on whether or not you have passed your medical examination for immigration purposes.
The visa office will tell you in writing if there is a problem with your medical examination.

Medical examination requirements for visitors (tourists, students and temporary foreign workers)

Duration of Visit to Canada

Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) - Immigration Medical Examinations

Less than six months:

Generally, no medical examination is required.

Greater than six months:

A medical examination is required if an applicant has resided or sojourned for six or more consecutive months in a designated country/territory in the one year immediately preceding the date of seeking entry to Canada. Please see the Designated Country/Territory List to determine if a country/territory is designated. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.

Authorized Doctors
Your own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.

Duration of Visit to Canada

Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) - Immigration Medical Examinations

Less than six months:

Generally, no medical examination is required.

Greater than six months:

A medical examination is required if an applicant has resided or sojourned for six or more consecutive months in a designated country/territory in the one year immediately preceding the date of seeking entry to Canada. Please see the Designated Country/Territory List to determine if a country/territory is designated. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.

Authorized Doctors
Your own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.


Duration of Visit to Canada

Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) - Immigration Medical Examinations

Less than six months:
Generally, no medical examination is required. However, a medical examination is required if an applicant is to work in an occupation in which protection of public health is essential. Please see Occupational Basis for Medical Examination of Temporary Foreign Workers for more information.

Greater than six months:
A medical examination is required if an applicant has resided or sojourned for six or more consecutive months in a designated country/territory in the one year immediately preceding the date of seeking entry to Canada or an applicant is to work in an occupation in which protection of public health is essential (see point below). Please see the Designated Country/Territory List to determine if a country/territory is designated. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.
A medical examination is required if an applicant is to work in an occupation in which protection of public health is essential. Please see Occupational Basis for Medical Examination of Temporary Foreign Workers for more information.

Authorized Doctors
Your own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.

If you are uncertain about whether you require an immigration medical examination, you can contact the Canadian visa office where you are making an application, for clarification.

If you do require a medical examination, the visa office will provide you with instructions and a form with your assigned file number before you see a designated medical practitioner.

Depending on their intended occupation while in Canada, certain temporary foreign workers are required to undergo medical examination regardless of their intended duration of stay. The following list provides examples of such occupations. This list is not all-inclusive. Should you have any questions about whether a medical examination is required, please contact the visa/immigration office where you are making, or have made, your application.

Occupations which bring the incumbent into close contact (more than three hours per day and/or risk of exchange of body fluids) with people, namely:
workers in the health sciences field, including staff and employees, clinical laboratory workers, patient attendants in nursing and geriatric homes, medical students admitted to Canada to attend university, medical electives and physicians on short-term locums;
teachers of primary or secondary schools or other teachers of small children;
workers who give in home care to children, the elderly and the disabled; and
day nursery employees.
Agricultural workers from designated countries/territories. A country/territory is designated if there is a “YES” in the column entitled “Designated” in the Designated Country/Territory List.

Authorized Doctors

Your own doctor cannot do the medical examination. You must see a physician on Canada’s list of Designated Medical Practitioners.”


Thank you and Welcome to Canada.

Dr. Shafiq Qaadri is a Toronto family physician and Continuing Medical Education


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