Monday, October 17, 2011

Other applications

Note: Applications are in PDF format. If you are unable to view them, and you are in Canada, you can place an order online on each application page or by contacting the CIC Call Centre.

If you are outside Canada, you should contact the Canadian visa office responsible for your region. Or, you may be able to get them from a Visa Application Centre.

Certified True Copy, Correction, or Replacement of an Immigration Document (includes IMM 5455 and Verification of Entry)
Access to information requests
Rehabilitation for Persons who are Inadmissible to Canada because of Past Criminal Activity
Request to Process Following Family Members under the One-Year Window of Opportunity Provisions
Protected Person Status Document
Use of a Representative
Release of Information to an Individual
Interim Federal Health Coverage — Extension
Request to Amend — Record of Landing/Confirmation of Permanent Residence
Right of Permanent Residence Fee Loan
Reduction of Right of Permanent Residence Fee: How to request a refund
Employer Declaration Form

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